Everyday Supernatural

Available Now

Matt Young teaches people around the globe about the miraculous truth of living in Jesus Christ. Matt founded Engage the Nations and travels internationally to spread the gospel and advance the kingdom of God. He is known for his ability and knowledge on the seer gifting, discernment and healing.

As the host of Everyday Supernatural, Matt interviews people from around the world with extraordinary gifts, abilities and experiences. The vision of the Podcast is to empower you to discover, awaken, transfigure and transform into a son of God. You will be inspired, challenged and learn the practical things of becoming who you decided to be before the foundation of the Earth.

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 Dive into your ability to see how God has intended you to see. 



A seer has spiritual senses that are awakened, which go beyond just seeing. I’d like to help you understand and tap into your spiritual giftings, and move to the next level as a seer with powerful discernment and abilities!

The Seer Course Two will expand your understanding of our seer abilities, what is possible as a believer, and how wisdom and discernment are part of being a seer. (Starting in Sept. 2021!)

Transform Your Emotional Life is a 7 week course to create new beliefs and greater self-control over your emotional responses, leading to higher levels of joy and peace.
In this course we’ll start at the foundation of our design, living as a son of God. You’ll gain a new understanding of who you are, our prophetic abilities, how to perceive what God is communicating, discern the future, and do it all in the frequency of love.


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